For a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sciences degree you need to accumulate a total of 120 points. All undergraduate foundation courses are currently rated as 20 points and your degree can be made up of any combination of courses. If you have successfully completed degree level work elsewhere, you can apply for this to be counted towards your CPU degree. Credit transfer reduces the number of CPU credit points which you need to gain for a degree. We need to see the details before we can decide the exact credit rating. This will be in 20-point steps.
When you have obtained 120 points you qualify for the award of a BA or a BSc degree. Which it is will depend on whether the majority of your credits are arts based or science based. Many of our courses can count for either award and if there is no clear bias to one or the other, you will be asked which designation you prefer. The official academic record, the transcript, is issued by the University upon graduation. This important and useful document is not only proof of graduation, it also records all credit points that were awarded to the student towards his or her CPU degree. We also offer a BA degree in Social Sciences and a BSc degree in Business Administration for which there are mandatory foundation courses.
Throughout the courses you are expected to undertake assignments. These are usually marked by your tutor, who will comment constructively on your work. At the end of all undergraduate courses and before getting your degree you sit a two-hour final examination administered by an approved proctor.
When you have obtained 120 points you qualify for the award of a BA or a BSc degree. Which it is will depend on whether the majority of your credits are arts based or science based. Many of our courses can count for either award and if there is no clear bias to one or the other, you will be asked which designation you prefer. The official academic record, the transcript, is issued by the University upon graduation. This important and useful document is not only proof of graduation, it also records all credit points that were awarded to the student towards his or her CPU degree. We also offer a BA degree in Social Sciences and a BSc degree in Business Administration for which there are mandatory foundation courses.
Throughout the courses you are expected to undertake assignments. These are usually marked by your tutor, who will comment constructively on your work. At the end of all undergraduate courses and before getting your degree you sit a two-hour final examination administered by an approved proctor.
- History
- Art History
- English
- Literature
- History of Music
- Philosophy
- Jewish Studies
- Management
Marketing - Strategic
- Planning
- Human
- Resources
- Information
- Technology
- Tourism
- Psychology
- Economics
- Sociology
- Geography
- Anthropology
- Education
- International
- Relations
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Ecology
- Botany
- Zoology
- Geology
- Astronomy
- Diet and
- Nutrition
- Anatomy
- Physiology
All undergraduate foundation courses are currently rated as 20 points including subjects of levels one, two, and three.